Generative Art

Ongoing research in Art and Science.
A collaborative project between the I3S Laboratory and the International art institute 'Villa Arson'

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Discussion about generative music and AI

Music Ai

Christophe Robert is a permanent member of the G-Art group. He’s a musician and a specialist of algorithmic music. His website (in french) musiquealgorithmique.fr is a great introduction to algorithmic music and it also offers many detailed explanations on the subject. In 2023, we had many discussions, some excerpts of which are presented here in the form of an interview.

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Front page for a Book of GdR IM


We are proud to announce the publication of a book for CNRS Editions which draws an up-to-date photo of mathematical computer science in 2022. It contains the courses given at the school for young researchers in mathematical computer science which took place in Nice this year.

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